Adopt Momogun as the KDM community’s official name

Posted on October 22, 2012


Reproduced from The Daily Express, Forum section dated 7 October 2012. The view(s) of the writer does not necessarily reflect that of NBHE’s. However, in the interest of not confining ourselves to one single school of thoughts, we are and will be producing or reproducing materials now and then for constructive thinking. Credits to The Daily Express.

In 1992, I wrote to KDCA Executive Secretary Benedict Topin regarding the identity of KDM. I disagreed with KCA’s decision to change its name from KCA to KDCA just to accommodate the Dusun community in the name of unity.

I argued that changing KCA to KDCA is not practical and can’t unite our people. How to accommodate the Murut, Rungus, Lotud, Tobilung, Maragang and the other ethnicity Sabah? Otherwise it becomes KDMRLTM. It is not practical.

My point of view is to let the respective communities form their own association to safeguard their cultures and traditions. At the same time, we must join hands together to initiate an identity for one race.

I suggested Momogun as the official name of our race. Topin promised to study the proposal and to bring the matter to the KDCA executive meeting.

After 20 years there is still no news about the outcome of the study. The crisis of identity still unsettled (we are still referred to as “others”) perhaps it was totally forgotten. I must say that our forefather were smarter than this generation. They called themselves Momogun during the British era up to the early 70’s.

I recall that as a boy, I heard the Kadazan, the Dusun and Rungus call themselves “momogunzotokou nopo nga tuhun momogun… Yati nopo ti nga tulun momogun… Etokou nopo diti nga tulun momogun.”

Nowadays we hear “saya bangsa kadazan, kau ni bangsa Runguskah?

It is sad that we have lost grip of the mandate from our forefathers so easily. Perhaps we were not aware that we were being manipulated by certain quarters.

So that instead of becoming one big race were divided into smaller groups of “lain-lain”.

The name Kadazan, Dusun, Murut and Rungus should remain intact as a separate ethnic or suku kaum with their own unique traditions and cultures.

They should have their own associations to safeguard their interests but suku kaum is not a race. We must pool together into One Big Race.

Only then we are united, feared and powerful. What makes it so difficult for us to adopt “Momogun” as the official name of our race?

Our forefathers called themselves Momogun since British era until the early 70’s, we have our foundation, we have history and we have direction. Why should we falter?

Without further delay I urge our leaders to decide once and for all to settle this matter for the sake of our generation. One race a symbol of unity and civilisation.

Anak Momogun